Making sure you always have a stack of JHAs and Pre-Inspection sheets around the job site can be a headache, and if you ever run out it could take hours to get new forms from the office. Thankfully, with Raken Checklists, you'll never run out again. Simply open your project in the Raken Mobile app and you'll have all the forms you'll need to properly document your work and make sure you're protected in case of disputes. Check out the steps below to learn how.
Login to the Raken Mobile App and tap on the project for which you want to complete a new Checklist.
Tap on the Checklist tool on the page that appears.
Tap the orange + button in the bottom right and then select the checklist you would like to complete.
Fill out the questions as necessary and add attachments using the paperclip icon to the right of each question.
When you are ready, click on the Save button in the top right to either save your work as a draft or sign and complete it.
Checklists are only available on the Performance Plan. If you'd like to learn more about upgrading, please feel free to chat with our sales team.
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