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How to Add Photos, Videos and Documents to the Raken Mobile App
How to Add Photos, Videos and Documents to the Raken Mobile App

How to Add Multiple Photos, Videos, and Documents to Your Daily Report from Your Mobile Device

James Watt avatar
Written by James Watt
Updated over 6 months ago

Documenting your projects with photos is one of the most powerful tools available to make sure your daily reports are comprehensive and informative to your whole team. Raken makes it easy to upload (and capture) photos, videos, and documents to your Daily Report in the field from your mobile app!

Work logs and Time cards

You can upload photos and documents as attachments to work logs and time cards. Any items attached will be linked to the associated work log or time card, providing both context and additional information for reporting purposes.

  1. Open the Raken mobile app.

  2. Tap on the Project for which you would like to add a work log or time card with a photo or document attached.

  3. Tap the Daily logs button.

  4. Tap the section titled Work logs.

  5. Tap the orange + button in the bottom right corner and select to create either a Work log or Time card.

  6. Tap the section labeled Camera, Library and Uploads.

  7. Choose to Take photo, Select photo or Select file depending on the item you would like to upload to the Raken app.

    1. Take Photo - Allows you to capture a photo or video directly in the Raken app.

    2. Select Photo - Allows you to browse your devices photo gallery to choose photos or videos that you have previously captured.

    3. Select File - Allows you to upload documents from the 3rd party cloud storage or your devices file manager.

Attachments, Materials and Equipment

You can upload photos and documents as attachments to the dedicated attachments section or to the Equipment and Material logs sections of the Raken app. Any items attached will be linked to the associated log, providing both context and additional information for reporting purposes.

  1. Open the Raken mobile app.

  2. Tap on the Project for which you would like to add equipment log or material log or attachment.

  3. Tap the Material or Equipment tool depending on your need.

  4. Tap the orange + in the bottom right corner to create a new log.

  5. Fill out the needed information for the log and then at the bottom of the page tap the photo icon to add an image from your gallery, the camera button to take a photo or the page to upload a document.

    1. When adding an attachment to an equipment log you will enter the necessary information and then tap the button that says Add Notes and Hours. You will find the attachment buttons at the bottom of the screen after tapping.

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