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Insights: All-Time Stats

See How Your Company is Performing Across All Your Projects with All-Time Stats

Written by Developer Developer
Updated over 6 months ago

It's critical to stay on top of the overall health for your projects, so we made it easy to get the info you need with just a click. By simply filling out your Daily Reports, Raken will collect that information and do the math for you. The result is the Raken Insights tab with the All Time Stats section. It's a quick way to see all the data that Project Managers and Executives need. Β 

How the All-Time Stats Feature Works

Under the "Insights" tab on your "Dashboard" the All-Time Stats feature is essentially a report card for the field. Customize and filter projects as well as specify the time frame to streamline your search and find the information you're looking for. See the number of days active, hours worked, safety incidents, delays, missed dailies, compliance, and open tasks for all the projects you oversee.

Clicking "Show More" lets you see a breakdown of key performance indicators by project, so you know exactly what's happening across your projects.

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