Depending on the job you are working and even the state you are working in, you may need to track your workers' hours in a bit more detail than simply an hours total. That is why we decided to add the Start & End Time feature, which allows you to track per worker when they started and ended their shift as well as if they took lunch and break. Check out the video below to learn how it is done!
Time tracking settings can be configured either at the company level or on a project-by-project basis. Below are the steps to adjust these settings for both options.
Company Level
Log into the Raken Web App.
Click on the Company tab at the top of the page.
Select the Production tab.
Click on the Settings tab.
Click on the drop-down titled Time Tracking.
Select the option titled Require Start and End Time.
Click Save and make the selection of how the new rule will be applied.
The new rule can be applied in three ways.
Apply to All Active Projects
Apply to All New Projects Going Forward
Apply to Specific Projects
Project Level
Log into the Raken Web App.
Click on the Project tab at the top of the page.
Select the project for which you would like to adjust time tracking settings.
Click on the Settings button found at the top left of page.
Click on the Payroll and time option that appears.
Select the option titled Require Start and End Time.
Click the Save found at the top right of the page.
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